vaccination, prevention, mandatory vaccines, recommended vaccinesAbstract
Vaccination is one of the most important achievements in medicine, the goal that saved millions of lives through decades. Vaccines are important for prevention and control of infectious diseases, the key component of primary medical care in every country. In our country, Republic of Serbia, we have mandatory and recommended vaccines, which are administered in accordance with the calendar of immunization. Mandatory vaccines in our country are Bacil Calmette Guerin (BCG vaccine), Hepatits B vaccine, pentavalent vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliovirus and Hemophilus type B, pneumococcal and MMR vaccine. Recommended vaccines are vaccine against Varicella, and recently HPV. In addition, vaccination against flu and SARS-CoV2 virus are in use in pediatric population. According to data from the literature, there are significant differences in coverage of vaccination with mandatory and recommended vaccines. Key role in education, promotion and prevention related to regular immunization schedules belongs to pediatricians.
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